Tuesday, September 2, 2014

DC Taxis

Not sure why this matters to me, but DC taxis must officially be painted red & silver over the next few years (as they age out of service or get bodywork).  So over the next few years, we'll be phasing in the red & silver cabs

Maybe it's my love for order.  Or my sense of aesthetic.  But I'm excited that one day, there will be an official DC taxi color.  I imagine the red & silver taxis zipping around town, easy to spot, and helping make a more vibrant city.

Vouchers are available for painting work this month, with work to be completed by September 15.

Because I'm a dork, and I'm bored, and I need something to think about while I walk around trying to get 10,000 steps on my Fitbit....I occasionally do an unofficially tally by cab stands or in streets. My totally unscientific estimate is about 1/4 to  1/3 of DC taxis currently sport the red & silver scheme.

5 Words.

Interesting exercise via Joanna Goddard via Nora Ephron.

Five words I'd use to describe myself right now - that is, today, September 2, 2014, age 44

Smart. Funny. Mom. Searching. Homey.

Struggled with # 5 - Professional...Successful...Content...Homebody....Present...Here...all came to mind.
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