I was so moved a few weeks ago, I asked Rob to send me this prayer he said at the January 17 service at All Souls Church. Here it is...
Dear God, in times likes these many of us are tempted to ask: Where are you?
Filled with despair, some understandably believe that you have abandoned your people. Others, cruelly, suggest that the earthquake is a manifestation of your wrath. A punishment for your people.
But God, here’s what I believe. I believe that you accompany us in our sorrow and in our suffering. I believe that you are the spirit that sings compassion in our hearts. You are the fount of our resilience, the hand on our shoulder. You are shovel against rock. You are the light that finds us in the rubble. And, when we breathe our last, I believe that you are our final home.
I don’t know any of this for sure. But it is what my spiritual ancestors have taught me, and it is what I’ve experienced in those precious moments when I’ve felt closest to you. So it is my faith.
Dear God, help us in our belief and our unbelief. Help us in our faith and our doubt. Help us in times of struggle and devastation. Times like now. We ask that you help especially the people of Haiti in this, their time of trial, and people all over the world who are touched by this tragedy, including the people in this very sanctuary. God, be with us always. Amen.
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