Carve jack o'lanterns - Not our best this year
Roast pumpkin seeds - Yummy
Pay bills
File financial documents Q3 - Stabilized, hoping for solid by end of the year :-)
Do laundry
Put it away
Bake banana bread - Delish, with walnuts and chocolate chips
Swim 40 minutes
Buy apples and cider at farmer's market
Early Vote!
Shop for clothes/shoes - Success!
Eat out Saturday night - My second lobster roll this week!
Laze around in bed, drinking coffee, reading paper - Indulgence
Short hike
Swim 30 minutes - Again!
Return boots, exchange shoes
Trick-or treat
Begin London packing/piling
Go grocery shopping - Oh well, it's a short list for tomorrow, and we have milk for coffee
Make food for the troops for the days, I'm gone - Didn't happen
Phew, what a weekend...very productive, and I'm tired. It's not always like this - but it sure was satisfying.
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