Friday, November 13, 2009

City Hippie

As anyone who knows me knows -- I love my neighborhood. The urban village of Capitol Hill is quite remarkable. Many suburban friends can't believe the small town life I can lead in the big, bad city. Not to mention, it's green and liberal. I feel like a 21st century city hippie.

I can get to work, school, grocery shopping, doctor, restaurants, exercise by walking or public transport within 30 minutes (well, some of this 35 minutes). The point is that I can actually live my *whole* life by walking, biking or public transport. Even more so, I can get to an airport, train or bus station to escape DC in the same way. Of course, no saint, I have a car (a Prius :-) and I use it, but typically, I only use my car on weekends, and it sits idle weekdays.

There's also the community garden, the babysitting co-op (earn and pay with poker chips), the corporate car-share company :-), the playgrounds, the library, the public pool, and most wonderful of all, Eastern Market, a little town square. And I take great joy in testing the system when I walk into Fragers's, our local hardware store, with no money, no bank card, no ID, and charge it to my house account!

I've read an article on this, it's called something like "the good life" or "intentional urban life" or something of the like. I was not so intentional about it, but I have never lived any other way, and can't imagine so.

Indeed, it's a good life.

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