Wednesday, January 13, 2010

From my sub-conscious

Last night I had a dream that disturbed me more as the day went on - though I did not actually recall it until the late afternoon. 

I was at a camp, very wooded and cool.  I was excited to do the various activities - sit on the dock, take a canoe out on the lake, etc. - but there were snakes, adder snakes. They were huge and green, and would coil under the dock planks or around a low-hanging tree limb.  Each time I saw one, I would get up and walk away, being delayed and deterred from my intended activity.  "I have to watch out for the black adders, " I thought, and cautioned unseen others. "Be careful of the black adders."

Even within the dream, I was analyzing it and sensing some significance.  The snakes, I knew, were phallic;  Blackadder was JS.  Yikes.  What's up with that?


  1. That's even more disturbing given that I have a strong aversion to snakes!


  2. Double yikes. :-0 For further Freudian analysis...


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