Monday, October 18, 2010

Michelle Obama: Re-Fashionista

The last 24-hours have been nothing, if not intense.  You know - board meetings & merger deals, and trying not to look, care or get upset while watching my ex's life implode or freak out about how that might ultimately affect me and Dear Daughter.   Sigh. It all seems heavier now than it will with some perspective, some sleep, and a good swim....But in the meantime, I'll distract myself with some fluff and stuff.

Stuff like Michelle Obama's wardrobe - and some good re-use of basic pieces and accessories.  Black jacket, green pumps, wide black belt, yellow cardigan, white bow blouse provide great inspiration for her multi-purpose, but singular, style....check it out for yourself here at the Yahoo! slideshow.  It takes a time and some initial investment to build a stable of go-to wardrobe basics and stylish accents that can be cleverly and creatively re-purposed  to express one's personal style (particularly as a public figure with constant media documentation).  Michelle Obama has a great eye and fabulous fashion sense that will serve as some inspirational, diversionary tactic to me, far away from my other cares.


  1. She's reportedly HUGELY more popular than her drably dressed husband. Do you think if he got QEFTSG (I know, I'm so 2005) to give him a makeover it might improve his poll #s?


  2. I find the President handsome, and not a total style hazard - his "mom Jeans" notwithstanding.


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